Downloading with Cell Phone

For Android Phones:

You will need 2 apps on your phone in order to successfully download and play our mixes on your phone– both of the ones I used were free:

  1. a zip/unzip app,- there are several but we use – AndroZip™ File Manager
  2. a music player that supports GAPLESS playback – we use PowerAmp Music Player – Free 15 day Trial , then $3.99 to upgrade

Before starting , realize that a phone (at least mine) is much slower than a computer ….so patience  during the download process is important……

Using your phone, place your order on our site.  Once your order is complete you will get a screen with a ‘download file’ link.  Press that and wait – file sizes are 50 – 90 MB, depending on what mix you ordered.  The music player on my phone gives me 9GB so there’s room for 100 of our largest mixes in the player memory.  Of course the amount of memory that you have available will depend on how many pictures/videos/texts/music, etc files that  you already have loaded, so make sure that you have enough room BEFORE you start downloading.

  1. Open your AndroZip app on your phone.  The zip file for the mix loads directly into the AndroZip/Download folder
  2. Once the download onto your phone is complete, click on the zip icon with the music file and select ‘extract file here’ . A progress bar will indicate that the file is unpacking…
  3. Once the file is unpacked/extracted, there will be a new folder in AndroZip/download which contains the unzipped music tracks
  4. Press the new music folder icon until a pop up appears and  lets you select ‘Move’

5. Press the ‘MOVE HERE’ box at the top right of the screen, and a message ‘file moved successfully’ will appear on your screen

  1. Now click ‘CPU’ on top right corner and search the list for your PowerAmp Music Player icon
  2. Check the box to the right of the icon, click on the icon and select start
  3. This will take you to your PowerAmp Music Player album area.  If you’ve done everything correctly, you mix should be sitting in the Album area.   From here you can create a playlist and move your tracks into the playlist or just play directly from the album…


Starting with iOS7 , iDevices cannot natively download files, with out using a third party app …Apple has decided that only music purchased through their iTunes store can be downloaded directly on to iOS phones and iDevices and played through iTunes player on the device.

You can use your computer to download the mixes, extract them, then transfer them to your iDevice. See other tutorials of how best to do that.

Below is a link to a page, that is not affiliated with Instructor Music in any manner, that lists several apps to download and extract our mixes.;

Instructor Music has no affiliation with any of the  “Apps” mentioned above, and we do not endorse them. Our Fitness Instructors have used these Apps with success for their iDevices. Although, these Apps may work for you, we cannot support them, as we have no affiliation with those Apps.